
A Comprehensive Approach to Addressing Moth Infestations in Manchester

There are three types of moths that commonly infest homes, posing a threat to natural fiber-based fabrics. The Clothes moth, the smallest among them, is identifiable by its pale gold hue and reluctance to fly. The White-Shouldered House moth, distinguished by its white head and shoulders, and the mottled Brown House moth, often found in kitchen cupboards, also contribute to fabric damage.

While adult moths have brief lifespans, their caterpillar stage spans up to six months, during which they voraciously consume fibers. Prevention and intervention are necessary to safeguard fabrics. Moths lay eggs in fibers, which hatch into caterpillars with hearty appetites, eventually pupating into adults.

In Manchester, effective measures for pest control Manchester are very important to combat fabric damage caused by any moth infestation.

Unfortunately, certain moth species can seriously harm carpets, clothing, and other things in your house or place of work. It is critical to act right away as soon as you notice the telltale symptoms of moths.

How to handle a home infestation of moths?

1.    Get rid of infested clothing

In the midst of a moth invasion in Manchester, experts advise taking a ruthless approach to damaged clothing by promptly discarding items you no longer wish to keep and prioritizing effective pest control measures.

2.    Freeze or Wash infested clothing

For clothing worth preserving amidst a moth infestation, experts suggest two strategies:

  • Laundering at a high temperature, around 60 degrees, to eradicate eggs and larvae
  • For delicate items like woolen, sealing them in a bag and freezing for 72 hours to eliminate pests.

3.    Vacuum your cupboard or drawers

After completing that, you ought to vacuum your drawers or wardrobe. This will eliminate any stray larvae or eggs.

4.    Use moth proofer spray

Utilize moth proofer spray to thoroughly treat wardrobes, ensuring sustained protection by targeting cracks and crevices where larvae may hide.

5.    Use insecticide

For those comfortable with insecticides, Zensect is a recommended choice for wardrobes, as its mild insecticide effectively eliminates eggs, larvae, and adult moths for six months with minimal effort.

6.    Take preventative measures

To preemptively thwart moth infestations, natural remedies like cedar, lavender, or lemongrass can be placed in wardrobes, deterring adult moths due to their dislike for the scent.

Additionally, pheromone traps offer an effective solution by attracting male adult moths with female pheromones onto sticky strips, akin to fly paper, disrupting their breeding cycle before they have a chance to reach clothing stored in the area.

7.    Be vigilant

The best defense against moths is to be proactive and watchful. Moths are not drawn to objects that are moved about a lot, so be watchful and tidy as you can.

They enjoy peaceful, dim settings. Make sure there are not any heaps of clothes laying around in any extra rooms you don’t use frequently, or if there are, try to keep them tidy.


Combating moth infestations in Manchester demands swift action, including disposal of infested items, laundering or freezing clothing, vacuuming, and employing moth proofer spray or insecticides, alongside proactive preventative measures like natural repellents and pheromone traps to deter and eradicate moths effectively.